Mission Goals
- Undergraduate: mission of Tourism Department is to provide quality learning conditions which emphasize both theory and practice, to educate tourism and travel professionals with professional attitude, service passion, and global vision.
- Master Program:The mission of the graduate program in tourism is to raise the abilities of academic research development, to educate professional tourism researchers or managers and planners with independent thinking, leadership skill, and global vision.
- Executive Master Program:The mission of the executive graduate program in Tourism is to promote adult and continuing education, to educate professional managers or mid- to high-level managing planners to grasp industrial trends, master operational practices, be capable of creative research and development, and have global vision and life-long learning spirit.
- Undergraduate:
G1. Build theoretical base and strengthen practical training.
G2. Develop professional attitude and service passion.
G3. Educate professionals for tourism and travel industry.
G4. Expand global vision.
- Master Program:
G1. Educate professional researchers or planners/managers.
G2. Ground theoretical base and consolidate operational practices.
G3. Build capability of leadership and research development.
G4. Expand global vision.
- Executive Master Program:
G1. Integrate industrial trends and operational practices.
G2. Educate professional tourism managers or mid to high level managing planners.
G3. Build (or develop) spirits of lifelong learning and abilities of creative research and development.
G4. Expand global vision.